Sunday, 21 November 2010

had to make this image an awful lot smaller so that it would upload, but the idea behind this was trying put across the "zany" colourful nature of jazz art. i tried to make it look sketchy and obviously added as much colour as i felt suited. i stuck with the idea of just using CMYK which i liked.

well, this is the part where rick wrote it... i placed the text on the right this time as i wanted it to be seen first, like on the previous page where i wanted the picture of rick to be the first thing to grace the eye of the reader. i wanted to keep this entire piece nice and simple... any views on my work are more than welcome. oh and why the feathers? jazz is a very colourful music and i wanted something i could draw and get away with making very bright so i though feathers would be a nice touch...

final opening pages (1,2) for editorial.

as explained in my sketch pads, i wanted to try and get ricks personality across in this piece whilst still making my mark with my design... the whole look, i feel, is smart but a little eccentric, hence the upside down text =s and the colours, but i wanted it to feel smart and minimal at the same time..

style for my piece...

rick is a very composed and smart kind of person... but has a definite eccentric twist so i want this to come across in my design's, so therefore the will be mainly black and white and of course a little bit minimalist, but i want there to be some sort of flurry of colour in the article, possibly an illustration or some altered photography... but basically i want this piece to reflect his personality but still feel like its my design.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

NME art Director Joe Frost wins BSME Award

one of my favoured NME pieces.

hand written?

Hand written article, pictures stuck on? all scanned afterwards... could be cool...

old school.

Nick Booth redesigns Time Out.


obviously the whole point was to make this look older and cruder. as it explains in the article they use the harsh photocopy look and mix up the serif and sans serif font on the front cover, and i agree when the article says it helps the cheap feel.